About Us

LDC Mission

Our mission is to foster an environment of mutual respect and cooperation between our corporation and your company in order for your business to benefit. Qualifying organizations can count on the LDC to deliver swift, decisive leadership that cuts through bureaucratic red tape, and provides vital resources as they’re needed. And the town of Hempstead offers a highly educated, community-minded population ready to work with you on any worthy project. We’re here to help.

LDC Board Members

LDC Board Members represent the top leaders in business, finance, education and community institutions. We are all dedicated to helping your non-profit organization prosper and grow within the Town of Hempstead, and fulfill its mission of serving our residents.



Eric C. Mallette


Jerry Kornbluth


Thomas Grech

Vice Chairman

Jack Majkut


Robert Bedford


Jill Mollitor


Phone: (516) 489-5000 ext #3706
Fax: (516) 489-3179

If you are a for profit entity, please see our sister agency at The Town of Hempstead IDA